In this episode of our voyage in Unity 2D development, we create the first version of our Battle of the Teutoburg Forest.
Here are Part 0, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5.
In this first video we see the basics of Unity 2D sprites and animations (as provided in Unity 4.3 and following), and a base class structure for a strategic game. This is not a tutorial, as the latter assumes an expert Unity developer talking: I consider this just a shared experiment, and it would be great to get feedback (on Twitter I’m @ppolsinelli).
Here is the video (but its probably better to see it in HD and fullscreen here):
Previous episode (only notes, no video) here.
Download & sources
Complete project download:
Class (“scripts”) sources on GitHub:
Tools used
Get Unity, Pyxel Edit.
Part two is online now