Football Drama Is Live

Going live with Football Drama was our first time in publishing a commercial game, so it was also very important.

Football Drama went live on September 18, in 8 languages (EN IT DE FR ES PT ZH RU) on these platforms:

Google Play (Android), App Store (iOS) (also Mac App Store), Steam.

Football Drama has been built by these guys:

Football Drama Development Team

From left to right: Daniele Giardini “Demigiant”, Pino Panzarella “Pugusel”, Marta Ascari “Ascari”, Pietro Polsinelli “Punkard”, Matteo Bicocchi “Pupunzi”.

And Football Drama is maintained and promoted with the help of Laura Mirri and Daniela Calogiuri. We also got an amazing launch PR from Charlene Lebrun and her Player Two PR.

To celebrate the release, once on sale on the stores we started streaming gameplay and chat with game designer friends, here is the video:

And here are all the guests:

We Are Muesli.


Daniele Giardini “Demigiant”


Konstantinos Dimopoulos




Marta Ascari “Ascari”.


Because of a mistake on our part, we didn’t make it in chatting with Florent Maurin – but fortunately, I had a chance to discuss Football Drama and narrative games with him a few days before. Here you see him playing our dear game :-)

Florent Maurin

In the chat we referred to the research done for Football Drama, here is a video that has many of the references:

And the world cup posters:

World cup posters

This was also an opportunity to try to make the application more visible, and for this, we had the great help of Caterina Chimenti “Kikaweb”.

So dear all, we made it, we released it: also thanks to you. THANK YOU.


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Football Drama: new trailer, inching closer to beta

We just published a new Football Drama trailer on Steam and Youtube.

In the last few months, we have improved Football Drama along several dimensions:

– Mechanics: The card element of the gameplay has been clarified and “card explanations” are always available. The “why” of success and failure of actions during matches is always available (as a big circle in the field) for more “technical” players, so adapting to more diverse styles of gameplay.

– Dialogues: More elements of the gameplay have become dialogues and hence have been expanded, like the “handshakegate” section and the press meetings. For all dialogues, we developed a set of tools for their direction (see this post: ) so that we added balloon styles, comic-styled layouts and even animations (see the I-Ching dialogue series).

– Matches: all parts of the matches have been improved with more animations and feedback. Goals have spectacular animations associated, cards rotate showing explanations… .

– Plot: the central part of the plot has been created, with several new dialogues and circumstances. All the plotting for and against the Thiefa League president (Septic Splatter) is in place.

What is missing is the bridge between the central part of the plot (around weeks 8-12 of the championship) and all the possible endings, some of which are ready and some not. Also we want to refine the opponent’ manager AI and personality, and make the recurring stages (like press meeting) less repetitive in contents. This is the last effort towards the game reaching beta stage which is hence quite close.

So add Football Drama to your Steam wishlist or subscribe to the release mail!

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Football Drama: our first own game is coming!

A football game about poets & crooks

A football game with a real narrative? That navigates the composite universe of football, poetry, sweat, bad management and nonsense? Yes, it’s coming: called Football Drama, here is the “Choices” teaser:

And subscribe by mail or or follow on Discord or add to your Steam wishlist or follow on Twitter or subscribe on YouTube or… just forget it 😀

Will be playable on phones and desktops.

Curious how this game came about? Here is a long interview with its game designer.

Fossball Drama

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Interview with “Tiny Colossus”: game designer Ciro Continisio – DAG Pod 7

ufho2 screenshot

In this Design A Game podcast we interview game designer Ciro Continisio, known also for his successful Kickstarter for the UFHO2 game. We interviewed him in the context of the Global Game Jam 2013 in Rome, which he helped organize. he talks about how to organize a successful Kickstarter campaign, how to start designing games, what is the European indie game scene. Here is the podcast:

Ciro Continisio DAG Pod 7

ufho2 screenshot

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A trip in Cabrera’s cyphers – DAG Pod 2

Cabrera's CypherSomething that indie game designers are capable of doing is taking unlikely, dead games genres and giving them new life. Cabrera Brothers tried just this by releasing a new text (yes, text) adventure in a new format here:

We’ve briefly reviewed the game in our podcast here:

Cypher review

Cypher help

(Euro Gamer Podcast episode 2)


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