Applied And Persuasive Applications For Museums

I recently gave a workshop and talk at the Museum Digital Transformation conference.Thank you for all who came, it was great fun.

Theme of the talk:

We’ll review Autography’s design as an exemplary case of persuasive application. We will immerse it in the context of applied and persuasive games built around gameful mechanics and interactive learning. We will then contrast it with superficial gamification efforts. We will propose some guidelines for an effective process of cooperative design and process for these complex media productions.

Theme of the workshop:

How can a museum, research or any cultural center make its contents more accessible through games while respecting the complexity of the subject? In this workshop we will work hands on existing applied games, analysing them through different lenses and hence progressively acquiring the game design language. This will lead us to 1. define the basic game design work from knowledge base to concept and mechanics and 2. define estimations for the work required to prototype and develop applied games.

Here are the slides of my talk:

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